TESL Windsor is an affiliate of TESL Ontario and works to provide professional development and networking opportunities to our members in the Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent areas.
2014 Changes to the Election Process
All newly elected Executive positions: Members-at-Large will serve for a 3 year term. Elections are held in the spring, and the new slate of Executive members is presented at the TESL Windsor Affiliate Chapter Annual General Meeting. The Executive offices of Chair, Affiliate Representative, and Treasurer, as well as positions of Webmaster, Secretary, Public Relations and various committee chair positions, are all elected from within the Executive on an annual basis for a 1-year term at the first Executive meeting after the AGM.
While the Executive officer positions are elected on an annual basis from within the Executive, the Executive may choose to re-elect individuals to continue in their previous officer positions each year throughout their 3-year term on the Executive. Newly elected Executive members will be mentored by experienced Executive members to transition into their role on committees and to familiarize them with TESL Ontario’s governance policies and guidelines for Executive members.
Visit the GALLERY page to see how much fun you can have organizing and participating in TESL Windsor events!
2014 Changes to the Election Process
All newly elected Executive positions: Members-at-Large will serve for a 3 year term. Elections are held in the spring, and the new slate of Executive members is presented at the TESL Windsor Affiliate Chapter Annual General Meeting. The Executive offices of Chair, Affiliate Representative, and Treasurer, as well as positions of Webmaster, Secretary, Public Relations and various committee chair positions, are all elected from within the Executive on an annual basis for a 1-year term at the first Executive meeting after the AGM.
While the Executive officer positions are elected on an annual basis from within the Executive, the Executive may choose to re-elect individuals to continue in their previous officer positions each year throughout their 3-year term on the Executive. Newly elected Executive members will be mentored by experienced Executive members to transition into their role on committees and to familiarize them with TESL Ontario’s governance policies and guidelines for Executive members.
Visit the GALLERY page to see how much fun you can have organizing and participating in TESL Windsor events!